Friday, April 19, 2019

"The US in Uterus Doest included Publications"  was definitely an interesting topic that needs much more intention, S. Taylor has written a very interesting article that many people do not see it an issue but more as a personal thing, WHICH IT'S NOT  ITS JUST that no one wouldn't stand for it because not a lot people have the guts to talk about it. Absolutely why shouldn't birth control be free? why do we have to make the female pay for her mistakes? to make it look like she's the bad person that committed the sin all by herself. Yes, having babies shouldn't be torture to anyone but when it's unplanned its could be difficult which why it's great to have options just like the males do by contraceptive methods can hold the pregnancy till the time is right. Why does she need to face consequence?

Friday, April 12, 2019

Gone way too soon

Nipsey Hussle, a Grammy-nominated rapper was killed on Sunday afternoon, right outside his store in South Los Angeles in a burst of gunfire that left two other people wounded: He died in the same neighborhood that he was raised in which was right in front of the clothing store he operated. Within him, he died the hopes and dreams of many people who saw Hussle as not just as another up-and-coming rapper or street cat from the hood, but as someone who might actually turn their community around. He was all about uplifting the community. He gave his community hope and opportunities that many people did not. Many people depended on him, many felt they lost their superhero the only one who gave them hope, made them hopeless asking questions like  “Who’s going to help us now?" his death was tragic but it also had a very huge impact on many people to never give up and many may look his death as another gang member shooting and those who do are the ones that killed him couldn't allow him to keep influencing black youth in a positive way.  Anyone who uses their platform to uplift black people somehow ends up getting killed. It's like once we see a rapper or black person starts influencing the masses the corruption in a positive manner, better believe their execution is very soon.

I found this blog topic very interesting and very informative in regarding “Guns” by Mair,  has pointed out very interesting areas of why gu...