Friday, May 17, 2019

I found this blog topic very interesting and very informative in regarding “Guns” by Mair,  has pointed out very interesting areas of why guns should NOT be allowed anywhere. Why are we even talking about this like its something simple? It's sad and scary to wake up every day and go to school knowing that my school allows guns. I do not care how well they are trained in that failed. If I am afraid of an officer who is well trained to carry guns what makes me think it’ll be okay with someone who was just trained for a couple of hours to carry a gun? Like how many scans have we seen so far since guns have been allowed that someone has used their gun to protect them self or have saved someone else? but all we have been seeing is people being killed INNOCENT people at churches, schools place that were supposed to be safe, why just because he/she has passed some type of exam that gave them the right to carry guns, and who do we blame. He was perfectly competent mental and physical when they were getting trained, and what makes them incompetent now. How many innocent people will it take till we stop this?? For example, the New Zealand terrorist attack that took over 40 innocent people, all in different race and ages have lost their lives because of someone else privilege to carry guns. So we're allowing more people easier for them to carry guns so they can kill anyone they don't like.

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I found this blog topic very interesting and very informative in regarding “Guns” by Mair,  has pointed out very interesting areas of why gu...