Sunday, May 12, 2019

Blog Stage Seven

Our national government is struggling with many issues but sadly many citizens do not see this as a national government issue. Which is disrupting how many killers cops are roaming around the street freely because they get to use their privilege when killing unarmed black men. But when a white woman gets killed by a black cop, he gets the full wrath of the racist justice system even though he claimed self-defense just like every killer white cop. For instance, "the black man in MN Mohamed Noor, who was a police officer was convicted by Jury for the murder of Justine Ruszczyk Damond. Apparently, the same prosecutor who chooses not to charge a white officer in the past denied claims by activists that race played a factor" all because she is white and he is black Muslim officer. Where is the justice again? We obviously see he did a crime and should be facing consequences but doesn't that mean all police officers who commit murder should face or should be held accountable for killing a human without warranted? Not in this case or should I say not here in America. If this was an African American officer killed a black female it would have been justifiable. There are many black people who never received justice. This just means that NOT all lives matter and that white killer cops get to go home every day after slaughtering black men. So I guess the Constitution or the Bill of Right does not apply to all lives.

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