Thursday, February 28, 2019

"Texting and Driving" Why?

Why text and drive?

How would it feel to get a call from an emergency room saying that a loved one is dying and someone is responsible for it? That is how cellphones have become a threat to people's lives. Texting and driving have become a life or death issue. People do not realize the fact that once they look away while driving, someone’s life could end. However, there is no punishment or any process that could bring that life back. People need to realize texting and driving has become the most significant cause that has increased the rate of death on roads. There should be more rigid punishments for people who text and drive.
There should be stronger punishment for texting and driving because the rate of death is not acceptable. Checking a text message while driving is not worth a human life. For instance, according to Ian Mulgrew, “a woman was convicted because the ping of arriving e-mail was thought enough to distract her so that she plowed into a parked car, killing another woman. She got 21 months in prison.” People and the government should be focused on doing something about this problem,  which is taking more lives every year. These cases do not only affect the person who has lost their life, but also the person who has caused the death. Not anyone would enjoy the guilt of killing someone, and not anyone would want to live in prison for the rest of their life. Therefore texting and driving causes a high rate of death and should be illegal.

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