Friday, May 17, 2019

I found this blog topic very interesting and very informative in regarding “Guns” by Mair,  has pointed out very interesting areas of why guns should NOT be allowed anywhere. Why are we even talking about this like its something simple? It's sad and scary to wake up every day and go to school knowing that my school allows guns. I do not care how well they are trained in that failed. If I am afraid of an officer who is well trained to carry guns what makes me think it’ll be okay with someone who was just trained for a couple of hours to carry a gun? Like how many scans have we seen so far since guns have been allowed that someone has used their gun to protect them self or have saved someone else? but all we have been seeing is people being killed INNOCENT people at churches, schools place that were supposed to be safe, why just because he/she has passed some type of exam that gave them the right to carry guns, and who do we blame. He was perfectly competent mental and physical when they were getting trained, and what makes them incompetent now. How many innocent people will it take till we stop this?? For example, the New Zealand terrorist attack that took over 40 innocent people, all in different race and ages have lost their lives because of someone else privilege to carry guns. So we're allowing more people easier for them to carry guns so they can kill anyone they don't like.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Blog Stage Seven

Our national government is struggling with many issues but sadly many citizens do not see this as a national government issue. Which is disrupting how many killers cops are roaming around the street freely because they get to use their privilege when killing unarmed black men. But when a white woman gets killed by a black cop, he gets the full wrath of the racist justice system even though he claimed self-defense just like every killer white cop. For instance, "the black man in MN Mohamed Noor, who was a police officer was convicted by Jury for the murder of Justine Ruszczyk Damond. Apparently, the same prosecutor who chooses not to charge a white officer in the past denied claims by activists that race played a factor" all because she is white and he is black Muslim officer. Where is the justice again? We obviously see he did a crime and should be facing consequences but doesn't that mean all police officers who commit murder should face or should be held accountable for killing a human without warranted? Not in this case or should I say not here in America. If this was an African American officer killed a black female it would have been justifiable. There are many black people who never received justice. This just means that NOT all lives matter and that white killer cops get to go home every day after slaughtering black men. So I guess the Constitution or the Bill of Right does not apply to all lives.

Friday, April 19, 2019

"The US in Uterus Doest included Publications"  was definitely an interesting topic that needs much more intention, S. Taylor has written a very interesting article that many people do not see it an issue but more as a personal thing, WHICH IT'S NOT  ITS JUST that no one wouldn't stand for it because not a lot people have the guts to talk about it. Absolutely why shouldn't birth control be free? why do we have to make the female pay for her mistakes? to make it look like she's the bad person that committed the sin all by herself. Yes, having babies shouldn't be torture to anyone but when it's unplanned its could be difficult which why it's great to have options just like the males do by contraceptive methods can hold the pregnancy till the time is right. Why does she need to face consequence?

Friday, April 12, 2019

Gone way too soon

Nipsey Hussle, a Grammy-nominated rapper was killed on Sunday afternoon, right outside his store in South Los Angeles in a burst of gunfire that left two other people wounded: He died in the same neighborhood that he was raised in which was right in front of the clothing store he operated. Within him, he died the hopes and dreams of many people who saw Hussle as not just as another up-and-coming rapper or street cat from the hood, but as someone who might actually turn their community around. He was all about uplifting the community. He gave his community hope and opportunities that many people did not. Many people depended on him, many felt they lost their superhero the only one who gave them hope, made them hopeless asking questions like  “Who’s going to help us now?" his death was tragic but it also had a very huge impact on many people to never give up and many may look his death as another gang member shooting and those who do are the ones that killed him couldn't allow him to keep influencing black youth in a positive way.  Anyone who uses their platform to uplift black people somehow ends up getting killed. It's like once we see a rapper or black person starts influencing the masses the corruption in a positive manner, better believe their execution is very soon.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

"Texting and Driving" Why?

Why text and drive?

How would it feel to get a call from an emergency room saying that a loved one is dying and someone is responsible for it? That is how cellphones have become a threat to people's lives. Texting and driving have become a life or death issue. People do not realize the fact that once they look away while driving, someone’s life could end. However, there is no punishment or any process that could bring that life back. People need to realize texting and driving has become the most significant cause that has increased the rate of death on roads. There should be more rigid punishments for people who text and drive.
There should be stronger punishment for texting and driving because the rate of death is not acceptable. Checking a text message while driving is not worth a human life. For instance, according to Ian Mulgrew, “a woman was convicted because the ping of arriving e-mail was thought enough to distract her so that she plowed into a parked car, killing another woman. She got 21 months in prison.” People and the government should be focused on doing something about this problem,  which is taking more lives every year. These cases do not only affect the person who has lost their life, but also the person who has caused the death. Not anyone would enjoy the guilt of killing someone, and not anyone would want to live in prison for the rest of their life. Therefore texting and driving causes a high rate of death and should be illegal.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Hit and Run

Hit and Run

"Hit and Run"

The definition of Hit and Run 

"An accident characterized by one of the parties leaving the scene without following the procedures required by law, giving rise to the phrase “hit (a person, car, or object) and run (from the scene).”

How can a human being with a heart commit to this type of crime like how heartless can anyone be? Edward Clark was charged with leaving the scene of the crash that killed Allison Donover 40 years old women. Clark is a 50 years old white male who was driving that night heading to the liquor store to a dinner. That's when Clark hit Allision and he knew he hit something but did not know what it was and just continued driving. The police found his car at a shop when he was trying to get his car fixed to cover up the crime he committed that's the day he got arrested for " accused of trying to cover up fatal Somerville Hit And Run Crash" when he was brought to the court, he was also leased. It very sad for our society to let these criminals set free when he clearly committed a very serious crime, for a fact if he was a black or Latino male he would have gotten into death pentail. It very important for anyone who commits these crimes to take it very seriously with a consequence.

I found this blog topic very interesting and very informative in regarding “Guns” by Mair,  has pointed out very interesting areas of why gu...